Kids are so important to our church!  Check out the different opportunities we have for kids to grow in their faith.

Children & Worship

For ages 3 through 1st grade, Children & Worship meets on Sunday mornings during worship.  The children are dismissed just before the sermon.  Children & Worship teaches Bible stories in a joyful way, and invites children to experience the wonder and mystery of God through a unique story-telling format and multi-sensory materials.  Parents can go and pick up their kids after worship.  

Children's Church

For children in 2nd grade through 5th grade, Children's Church meets on Sunday mornings during worship.  The children are dismissed just before the sermon.  Our Children's Church class walks through the major stories of the Bible, using engaging storytelling, visual aids, and age-appropriate questions designed to help kids understand the truth of God's Word.  Parents can go and pick up their kids after worship.  



Middle & High School

Our Middle School Ministry meets on Wednesdays from 6:30-8:00 pm.  Our High School Ministry meets on Sundays from 6:30-8:00 pm.  We have a lot of fun playing games, chatting, and taking time to grow in our understanding of the Bible.  We want every student who comes to have heard by the end that God loves them and has Good News for them which will change their lives and how they live.  Friends and visitors are always welcome!